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Allied organizations that provide additional information to donors and charitable organizations.
At, our mission is to inspire, connect, and empower individuals, organizations, and communities to create lasting social impact. We serve as a trusted platform for collaboration, innovation, and education in the philanthropic sector, driving meaningful change.
And if you’re a nonprofit professional, consultant, estate attorney, or marketing professional, we want to collaborate with you. Make your voice heard — contact us at 800-490-7090 to learn more.
Welcome. This website is your first — and last — stop for all your planned giving needs. Truly, there’s something here for everyone. Check out our tools to improve your marketing: our start-to-finish planned giving marketing toolkits, The Ultimate Quick Reference Planned Giving Pocket Guide or Planned Giving Policy Manual, this is the place to be.
Thomas Charitable Advisors, LLC
Allen Thomas, JD, CFRE, CAP, Chief Philanthropic Advisor, brings decades of experience in guiding charities and financial advisors through the full spectrum of gift planning vehicles, including the most complex tools. Allen will help you and your organization successfully broaden your fundraising base and give you the tools necessary to accomplish the goals you have for your favorite charities.Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.